Porter Robinson Faces Backlash for Controversial Nurture Live Band Members

Porter Robinson’s pianist for his Nurture live band performance touts controversial opinions.

Porter Robinson fans were all jazzed up at the promise of his forthcoming music festival, “Second Sky,” promoting his new album Nurture. Unfortunately, the excitement was short-lived…

Not long after Robinson shared this promotional video of his band’s pianist, captioned “Keudae is part of the band. We’re at rehearsals right now and it’s incredible how she can recall how to play every part of my songs better than even I can,” Twitter’s vultures descended. This flock of angry birds spat rapid-fire vitriol at Robinson, who unknowingly shared a platform that touted different beliefs than that of his fanbase.  

Keudae, the talented pianist in Robinson’s band, was shamed for having problematic and harmful beliefs. She followed an assortment of ultra-conservative profiles and news sources, including NewsMax, Candace Owens, members of the Trump family, and the Family Federation for World Peace and Unity (FFWPU). For greater context, FFWPU is “comprised of families from around the world striving to establish a world of peace and unity among all peoples, races, and religions, to embody the ideal of true love as taught in the Divine Principle, the core teachings of the Unification Movement.”

Twitter was ablaze with comment after comment, disdain upon disdain, and pleas for Robinson to address the issue or even remove Keudae from the band. One user commented, “I know people are entitled to their own opinions, but when those opinions show direct support for the political system that continues to discriminate against BIPOC and invalidate their struggles in this country, I can’t overlook that.” She ended her commentary with, “This is so disappointing.”

Despite the internet’s sentiments, Robinson has yet to respond to commentary, as of October 12th, 2022. Perhaps he will address this conundrum in the future, but for now, he focuses on music and tour life.

To cleanse your spirit of these bad vibes, refocus on what matters most (the beautiful music), and venture below.


Heralding from sunny South Florida, I am a proud Florida Woman. In my free time, I surf the swamp, wrangle gators, open fan mail, and tend to my pets. In the wild, I'm most often spotted at immersive art spaces, step tappin' in a shadowed corner of the club, hater blockerz on, totally incognito as your resident EDM spice girl. Although I generally tout my spicy side, if there's one thing I'd love to impress upon the world, it would be this: it's not a waste to give love to those who do not deserve it – it's a gift. The world would be a better place if we gave, in kindness and in mercy, to those who need it most with no expectation in return.

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