ILLENIUM mourns after tragic loss of beloved dog Peanut

ILLENIUM shares his heartbreak over the loss of his beloved dog, Peanut, reflecting on the joy and love she brought into his life and those around him.

ILLENIUM has been mourning the loss of his beloved dog, Peanut, who tragically passed away last week. He and his partner share that they are both heartbroken over the loss of their “perfect little beautiful angel fluffball.” Just two hours before their flight landed from Japan, they received the devastating news that Peanut had been rushed to the hospital. Sadly, only 30 minutes later, they learned that she didn’t make it. The pain of losing her so suddenly has been overwhelming to comprehend.

In his heartfelt message, ILLENIUM has expressed the immense sorrow he and his partner Lara have experienced. They have found it difficult to process how such a lively and loving presence in their lives could be gone so soon. The couple has acknowledged that no amount of tears or desire to turn back time will bring their beloved dog back.


Despite the heartbreak, ILLENIUM reflects on the joy Peanut has brought to everyone around himself and Lara. Describing Peanut as a light, he shares how grateful they have been for the impact Peanut has had on their hearts and relationship. Her warmth and love filled their days with peace, and she brought them closer together. Her absence has been deeply felt, and the suddenness of her passing has left them devastated.

Peanut has been more than just a pet – she has been a source of happiness and connection for family, friends, fans, and strangers alike. She has joined them on tours, played with fans, and lifted the spirits of everyone around her. Her little attitude and sassy spirit have commanded their attention and brought them endless joy and laughter.


The couple has expressed their gratitude for the memories they have shared with Peanut, noting how she has been a part of them most deeply and purely. They have vowed never to forget the moments they spent with her and have been grateful for the love she has given them. Peanut’s presence has been a cherished part of their lives.

Although she is no longer physically with them, Peanut will always hold a special place in their hearts. ILLENIUM and his partner have conveyed their love and appreciation for their beloved dog, ending their tribute with a heartfelt message,“We love you so much, Peanut. Thank you for everything.”

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