Mental Health Resources for Music Industry Professionals

Are you experiencing a mental health crisis? There is a music community that wants to provide resources and help.

The rise of mental health awareness has created a plethora of opportunities for those impacted and/or suffering. From therapy and psychiatry to daily meditation and regular yoga to resources for addiction, these nonprofits, foundations, and organizations are specifically catered to the music industry. They are eager to support those in need and want to lend a helping hand!


This nonprofit connects music industry professionals and their families with a vetted network of medical professionals, particularly ones familiar with the industry. Backline provides educational resources, wellness opportunities like yoga and meditation, and opportunities to engage with like-minded community members and kindred souls. Backline assists with case management, helping clients create care plans custom-built to fit their needs.

Music Health Alliance

This nonprofit provides healthcare access to industry members, along with medical bill assistance. Music Health Alliance helps industry professionals navigate the health insurance market, particularly for those who recently experienced a loss of income. On the website homepage, this nonprofit states that it’s served almost 25,000 clients, more than 3,000 families, and saved nearly 130 million dollars in healthcare costs. 


This nonprofit provides a wide range of help for those experiencing tough times in the music industry. For defined interims, MusiCares can provide financial assistance for those experiencing emergencies and unforeseen circumstances. Their organization can also provide financial resources for those seeking addiction recovery support, and preventative healthcare like nutrition coaching, smoking cessation guidance, and audiology services.  

The SIMS Foundation

This foundation provides mental health and substance abuse recovery services for musicians, industry professionals, and their dependents. Their mission is to destigmatize mental health and substance abuse issues and therefore support the broader music community. Although the organization can certainly support those in crisis, its team of clinicians can connect clients with therapists, psychiatrists, and substance abuse specialists whose missions are to improve clients’ emotional and mental well-being.

If you or someone you know are feeling distressed and need to talk to a counselor, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255). 

About The Author


Heralding from sunny South Florida, I am a proud Florida Woman. In my free time, I surf the swamp, wrangle gators, open fan mail, and tend to my pets. In the wild, I'm most often spotted at immersive art spaces, step tappin' in a shadowed corner of the club, hater blockerz on, totally incognito as your resident EDM spice girl. Although I generally tout my spicy side, if there's one thing I'd love to impress upon the world, it would be this: it's not a waste to give love to those who do not deserve it – it's a gift. The world would be a better place if we gave, in kindness and in mercy, to those who need it most with no expectation in return.

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