Fan shares story about how Jauz ‘saved her life’ with ‘Trampoline’ remix

A Jauz fan has shared a story about how his “Trampoline” remix “saved her life,” showing just how impactful the power of music can really be. 

JAUZ recently added “father” to his list of life achievements with the birth of his daughter in 2022, and another baby on the way. Back in 2019, the DJ and producer was credited on X (formerly Twitter) for a story where his music saved a fan’s life.

The fan, who goes by coyote/@UndeadRedhead on X, direct messaged JAUZ to chat about his remix of “Trampoline,” the song originally by SHAED. In the message, coyote expressed that her message may go unread, but decided to share her feelings anyway.

X / @UndeadRedhead

At the time, she had been in a dark place, with no job or plan in place. She was experiencing suicidal ideation, and unfortunately considered following through on it after EDC.

Before “calling it quits,” the remix of “Trampoline came just in time, two days before she thought the end would arrive. “It’s kind of stupid, but [it] reminded me to keep bouncing,” she told Jauz.

JAUZ was taken aback by this message and the fan’s vulnerability. “Obviously I would never WANT someone to feel this way…,” he started. “But seeing messages like this, being able to truly impact someone’s life in a positive way… that’s why I do what I do.”

He expressed uplifting words, encouraging those who feel darkness to remember that help is all around. Along with his statement, he shared the number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) which is now simplified as 988.

X / @undeadredhead

It has been 5 years since the remarkable DM to JAUZ, with coyote sharing an update. “A story of the butterfly effect, the power of music, and what some might even call fate,” she said, labeling last weekend’s event as a “full circle” moment.

She goes on to describe how, at the time of the JAUZ DM, she was in a toxic relationship. The one good thing that came of it was the music he showed her.

One of those artists was LICK, her current partner and “love of [her] life.” His friend Baezic, also a DJ, played a show in Arizona last weekend, with one of her friends curiously asking him what inspired him to start his music career.

The DJ revealed his start began after seeing a tweet from JAUZ on how his “Trampoline” remix saved someone’s life. He saw just how inspiring music can be, and wanted to make that impact himself.

She goes on to describe the moment as more than just synchronicity, but rather a canon event that changed the course of several lives. Her touching story is proof that music has the power to heal and transform through connection and positivity.

For anyone experiencing melancholy or darkness, please know that you are not alone. “I want people to realize that the smallest moments can have the greatest impact even on those we cannot see,” she shared “That music is a universal story of love, it is powerful. It is life changing. Your story matters, even if you can’t see it.”

Featured Image: Facebook / Jauz

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