John Summit officially announces his relationship status with Ashtin Earle on the Hot Mess podcast 

John Summit has taken the hot seat on The Hot Mess podcast this week where he addresses his relationship with Ashtin Earle.

Whether you are a die-hard John Summit fan or someone who only knows him because of his connection to the Earle sisters, this latest episode of Hot Mess with Alix Earle is a must-listen. This episode spills all the tea from exposing John’s lack of girl knowledge to clarification on his rumored relationship with Ashtin Earle. 

At the beginning of the episode, John and Alix had a real heart-to-heart that set the stage for their honest and open conversation. They talked about their friendship and how they’ve been there for each other through the ups and downs of fame. Their connection is obvious and it’s clear that they have a lot of respect and understanding for each other that goes beyond their work together.

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The conversation also touches on lighter moments, such as John’s humorous recounting of a paparazzi encounter at a soccer game. Everyone knows the viral video where it looks as though Alix is ignoring him. Well, they set the record straight noting they met previously in a car ride to the event. But, the crazy part was they were in a car with other famous people such as Floyd Mayweather. Additionally, the episode covers more serious topics, including John’s thoughts on therapy and mental health. He even noted taking yoga or meditation classes in the future. 

But, the huge moment everyone was waiting for was when John Summit finally acknowledged he is ‘talking’ to Alix Earle’s little sister, Ashtin. During the podcast, while discussing how Alix and John became friends, he quietly notes about meeting the larger friend group and says ‘You know, now I’m talking to your sister’ to Alix. Also, when speaking about living in Miami, the artist brought up the infamous nightclub, Club Space. He mentioned how the first time he saw a video of Ashtin was when she was seen at the venue. 

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Outside of the quick few seconds of saying Ashtin’s name, the rest of the podcast focused on other topics. They discussed John’s new album and how to DJ and produce. Then, even tested the DJ’s knowledge of girls. Sorry John, we only have two ovaries! Although we didn’t get as many answers as we hoped from this podcast, it was a fun listen for viewers.

Featued Image: Instagram/Hot Mess

About The Author


My name is Emilee Gabbard. I currently live in sunny Orange County, CA. By day I am a project manager working in the aerospace industry, but by night a music blogger for yours truly, Exron Music! I have been writing for Exron Music for around eight months now and cannot wait to see what is to come throughout the years. At festivals and clubs, you will find me at any house and techno stage supporting my favorites Eli Brown or Dom Dolla, or belting every word to Porter Robinson tracks wherever he performs.

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