Hardwell walks off stage mid-set due to technical issues at SAGA Festival

High-profile Dutch DJ and producer Hardwell DID NOT APPEAR happy with his headlining set at Bucharest, Romania’s EDM-focused SAGA Festival on Friday.

After dealing with technical issues throughout the first part of his performance, the DJ has cut his set short and taken to the microphone to share comments about the event, saying it was “the worst festival I have ever played.”

Various fan videos posted online have shown Hardwell and a stage tech attempting to fix a technical problem during the performance. Following several minutes of tinkering to fix what had seemed to be an issue with audio levels, the DJ had briefly cut the music to voice his frustration: “I gotta say one thing,” he had noted matter-of-factly. “This is the worst festival I’ve ever performed at. Sorry to say that.”

While he had brought the volume up again from there and had seemed to be moving on with the show, he had quickly cut the music once again and looped back to airing his grievances: “We’ve got a lot of technical problems right here,” he has continued. “I try to do my very f—ing best, but I can’t DJ this way.”

The awkward scene has continued in much the same fashion with another moment of music and another batch of vitriol toward SAGA Festival: “I’m here for you guys, so you know, I’m here for the fans. That’s why I’m here. … It’s the worst f—ing festival I’ve ever performed at in my f—ing life. But I love you guys and that’s why I’m here.” Yet another moment of music has ended with Hardwell back on the mic, this time speaking to the stage techs: “I give you guys five minutes to fix this f—ing s— otherwise I quit. So you know.”

Hardwell continued in frustration, stating “I’m really honest. I’m really honest with you guys. Wait, give me one f—ing second. … I travel all the way from f—ing Holland to perform for you guys. I’m here. I’m here! … Let me be really honest. This f—ing festival hasn’t paid me any f—ing money to be here tonight, but I’m still here. I’m here! I’m f—ing here!” Videos have shown the stage tech running out to try—unsuccessfully—to pull Hardwell away from the front of the stage as he has continued to comment about the festival: “Their equipment, everything, is f—ing s—t. Nothing is working. Listen SAGA, if I’m here for you guys, I want to perform for you guys. The whole equipment, everything is letting me down. I can’t perform. It’s impossible for me to perform. The whole f—ing DJ booth is s—t, it’s f—ing s—t. I’m so sorry, I have to cancel this show, so you guys know. Thank you guys for being here, and f—k SAGA Festival!” With that, he has quickly stormed off the stage.

The festival had quickly posted a response to the Hardwell incident on social media: “Well, Hardwell, we’re sorry that Rita Ora, Sickick, Loreen, and all the DJs on five other stages got to play on the first day of SAGA and you didn’t. The equipment traveled all the way from the Netherlands, just like you. The same set seems to be working perfectly fine for Will Sparks right now.”

The note from the festival had also denied Hardwell’s allegations that he hadn’t been paid: “We’ve worked so hard to build this year’s SAGA for our artists and ravers,” it has continued. “We would’ve solved any technical issues effortlessly and fast, if you would’ve let us and not stopped your set so soon. We’ve done all we could to accommodate your requests, including agreed payments. … We’re sorry to (y)our fans. They would have loved to finally watch you perform in Bucharest. Nothing but love, and we wish you well.”

After a flood of “#payhardwell” pleas has filled the festival’s comment sections on posts from the rest of the weekend, organizers have once again addressed fans in a social media post on Monday. “We are aware of our shortcomings,” the note has explained, “but as far as artists go, you need to know we’ve done everything humanly possible to ensure they show up, perform, and show you the respect you deserve. And to answer the rumors, yes, they all received the agreed payments. It’s always easy to point fingers and place blame, it’s more difficult to seek out facts and show empathy.”

“SAGA is hurting just as much as you are,” the note had continued, presumably referencing the Hardwell incident without mentioning him by name. “The people behind the festival are humans too. We were all affected and we’ve suffered as much as any of you. We want you to know we are here to stay. And we will fight for Bucharest. See you in 2025.”

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