Diplo denies 450k euro fine from Spanish government and revenge porn accusations

Diplo takes to Instagram to respond to the allegations that he has been distributing “revenge porn” of a Jane Doe, who is currently suing him in California federal court.

Diplo is in trouble again. Just days after Spanish police accused him of hosting an illegal party in a protected area in Ibiza, he’s now facing legal issues in California. A woman, identified as Jane Doe, has filed a lawsuit accusing him of distributing revenge porn.

On Instagram, Diplo responded, “Don’t believe what you read in the news. I don’t own a 100 million dollar mansion, I didn’t pay 450k euros to rave in Ibiza, and I didn’t send dirty Snapchats in 2017.” The post, featuring a shirtless photo of the 45-year-old DJ along with clips of him performing in Athens, Croatia, and Prague, added, “Let’s talk about how lucky I am to party with you guys and how good the raves are here in Europe.”

Additionally, the details indicate that Doe and Diplo started talking in 2016, which led to the exchange of images. They allegedly began a romantic relationship that continued until October 2023. In the months following their breakup, the lawsuit alleges, Diplo shared some of these private images and videos. Both the photos and videos were allegedly shared without consent.

Doe claims that in November, a stranger approached her, saying she had received intimate images and videos of Doe and Diplo dating back to October 2018. On November 7, Doe reported Diplo to the New York Police Department, leading to a warrant for his arrest.

Lastly, while Doe cites the earlier case as evidence, Diplo and his team are using it to question the lawsuit’s credibility.

The outcome remains uncertain. Stay tuned on our site for future updates. Meanwhile, Diplo seems unfazed by the allegations.


My name is Sebastian Medina and I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. Ever since I could remember, I have always been in love with dance music. I appreciate all genres and sub-genres but I definitely gravitate towards house and techno. Being from LA I was blessed with an amazing nightlife full of different artists coming in and out of town throughout the years. Some of my favorite artists include Seth Troxler, Michael Bibi, Mr.Carmack, PAWSA, and Folamour.

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