Drew Taggart and Marianne Fonseca spark marriage rumors in new photoshoot

The Chainsmokers’ Drew Taggart and his girlfriend Marianne Fonseca have posted new pictures online, creating marriage rumors about the couple.

Wedding rumors are circulating after The Chainsmokers frontman, Drew Taggart, and his girlfriend, Marianne Fonseca, posted pictures on Instagram that are very lovey and adorable, with some fans speculating that an engagement or marriage is on the way. Is Drew Taggart married?

Taggart and Fonseca have been publicly together for a year, going public last fall when Taggart hard launched them on Instagram. The model, Marianne Fonseca, had been a self-made entrepreneur before she began dating Taggart of The Chainsmokers. She holds many accomplishments outside of dating the superstar DJ and producer.


Last spring they were pictured holding hands, and the dating rumors swirled from there. A year later, the couple is still going strong showing her support for him on the road while he supports her different endeavors; modeling, being the owner/CEO of Gente Beauty, and being a stunning fashion guru.

Fans jumped on this rumor surrounding the picture with a caption from Taggart saying “damn, I really love this girl.” Goals. Some comments asked straight up if they were married, “Huh?? You got married?” Some were more on the funny side and a little less invasive. One commenter wrote, “I just signed up for a dating app cuz of y’all two.”


The beginning of the duo’s relationship was private, with word only getting out after the paparazzi snapped them together, so, likely, we will not know much about their potential new standing in their relationship for a while. Despite no confirmation of the marriage or engagement, watching their relationship blossom and witnessing these two kids in love.

The Chainsmokers have been on tour this spring and summer with a show happening in NYC at Forest Hills Stadium on September 12th, 2024. Maybe the beautiful couple will give more insight or perspective into their love life before then, until then we wish the happy couple all the love in the world!

Featured image Instagram/@drewtaggart


Hey! I'm Shiv! Music is the greatest part of my life, I remember discovering dubstep when I was 15/16 and my entire life was altered - robot noises?? I needed MORE! Now, I live in NYC and have seen over 60 artists of all genres; my favorites being Odesza, Subtronics, Rezz, Griz, Zeds Dead, John Summit and Kaskade. I am an enjoyer of music and will try everything once, I do not discriminate - there is beauty in all genres (minus country). You can usually find me in a warehouse at 4AM because I am nocturnal and will quite literally never say no to a show.

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