Kompany shares 4-year transformation after touring left him ‘chronically ill’

Kompany has shared progress pictures capturing his transformation after struggling mentally and physically due to touring. 

In the inspiring post, Kompany had shown a side-by-side comparison of his arms from four years ago to today. The photos of his bicep captured a stark contrast as the first had been when he was chronically ill and the second is after working to reclaim his health. The producer had followed the two pictures with a video of him flexing. 

He had touched on the importance of caring for your body and mental state. He said that focusing on diet and exercise had greatly improved his “creative and anxiety.” After rebuilding himself, Kompany has opened up to fans about the difficulties of touring. 

“The volatility of touring has been so insanely taxing on my mental and physical health, and has brought me to lows I never thought I would experience. There were points where I thought I was so chronically ill that I wouldn’t be able to ever gain weight or muscle back again,” he shared. In true PLUR spirit, listeners and other DJs commented on the post to hype Kompany and his progress up. 

It is no secret that touring as a DJ can be demanding with constant traveling and late nights. The Los Angeles-based dubstep producer hit the ground running when he released ‘Jackknife’ in 2015. He has put on hundreds of shows, continues to play huge festivals, and consistently works with other artists. 

kompany press pic
Facebook / Kompany

Along with focusing on his health journey, Kompany has continued to create and share his music. The artist’s transformation is encouraging and listeners noted that his openness inspired them to go to the gym. The DJ finished his caption by writing that he is excited to continue to grow and fans are too.

Featured image Facebook / Kompany


Hi! My name is Madison and I was born and raised in Colorado, giving me immediate access to some of the best live music. I have two degrees from the University of Denver in Media Studies and Criminology and am passionate about music journalism. Some of my favorite artists are, but not limited to, Disco Lines, Tape B, Space Laces, and Whyte Fang.

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