Harm reduction and drug test kit company Bunk Police ‘thrown out’ of Electric Forest

The Bunk Police notified customers that it had temporary issues with its Electric Forest booth. 

The Bunk Police, which provides test strips and other harm-reduction products, was allegedly kicked out of Electric Forest on Wednesday around 9 p.m. The company sent out text messages to inform people of the brief mishap.

However, on Thursday around 1 p.m., The Bunk Police messaged people another alert saying it was back in action and had its booth open again. It is unclear why they would have been kicked out. The Bunk Police text message said, “We’re being thrown out of the event. If you’re here, come to the closest campsite to the venue entrance NOW!!!” There seemed to be some sort of unexplained urgency. 

Less than 24 hours later, the messages informing everyone they were not permanently kicked out said, “We are BACK, renegade style!!! Come by the unmarked tent under the B10 sign, the closest site to the venue entrance!!” Electric Forest attendees can stop by the tent to pick up free products. Another message said, “We have fent kits, spot kits, nasal spray kits for C&k, NEW PINS, and a prototype of our patented Penn Test coming this fall.”

A concerned customer posted on Twitter questioning why Electric Forest would kick The Bunk Police out, noting they have always been a staple there. They said, “Is there a reason why you don’t want your patrons to have access to easy safe test kits after they’ve been to every forest that I can remember? @Electric_Forest what changed? Live Nation impact?”

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The Bunk Police specializes in drug test kits aimed at harm reduction. Established in 2011, the company offers a variety of kits to test for numerous substances, including fentanyl, MDMA, and LSD. They provide detailed color guides and access to reaction videos for accurate interpretation. 

Their products are designed for easy home use and aim to promote safety and awareness about substance purity. The Bunk Police also emphasizes education through their documentary and mobile app.


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