Seven Lions sparks split rumors with Courtney Simmons after solo vacation with wife Emma

Fans speculate whether Seven Lions and his wife are still in a relationship with Courtney Simmons, the other half of Gem & Tauri.

Seven Lions recently posted photos of a Thailand vacation with his wife, Emma Montalvo, but their girlfriend Courtney Simmons, and the other half of Gem & Tauri, was not pictured. The solo vacation between Seven Lions and Emma has sparked rumors that they might have gone their separate ways from Courtney. 

Fans have been commenting on the post wondering about the status of their polyamorous relationship. One user said, “Miss seeing your moments with Courtney. It’s very apparent y’all aren’t together anymore. I hope her independent music explodes,” and “I miss the squad” with a sad face emoji.

seven lions courtneyseven lions courtney
Instagram/Seven Lions

There are a few other signs that have caught fans’ eyes – the Instagram account for Gem and Tauri has not posted any content since April. Courtney also posted a shot of her DJing alone in May and said, “I can’t wait to do it again.” Emma and Courtney both attended EDC Las Vegas and made separate posts that did not include each other – they headlined the festival on the main stage together in 2022. 

Emma has been frequently posting on her independent social accounts as well with Courtney nowhere to be seen. In May, Seven Lions and Emma went on another vacation to Bali and a post also did not include Courtney. Another possible sign of this breakup include Gem & Tauri not having any upcoming shows planned. 

seven lions courtney
Instagram/Seven Lions

Courtney joined the marriage in 2019 and the throuple has had a healthy and thriving poly-relationship for years. Emma and Courtney have always had a loving bond between them which sparked their successful DJ duo. Gem aka Courtney has also referred to Emma as the love of her life in the past. 

The throuple was known for actively posting photos of them all together, especially on vacations, shows, and outings. There has been a lack of this overall over the past few months. However, nothing has been confirmed yet about whether Courtney is still involved in Seven Lions and Emma’s marriage.

Featured image source Instagram/Seven Lions


I remember hearing Edm for the first time and thinking I knew this type of music would change my life. I love all genres and the art that goes behind it all. You can catch me dancing to a wide range of tunes.

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