Cynthia Laclé: Reveals Behind-the-Scenes process of ‘Turning Black’ – [interview]

Cynthia Laclé talks about everything from creative process, biggest lessons, and music influences in latest interview.

Cynthia Laclé recently dropped her electrifying Techno production, ‘Turning Back.’ Packed with bold sonic details, pounding beats, and punchy elements, this high-energy track has undoubtedly thrilled fans of the genre, solidifying Laclé’s status as a formidable force in the world of Electronic Music. Today, we welcome Cynthia Laclé for an exclusive interview. She will take us behind the scenes of ‘Turning Back,’ offering insights into her creative approach to constructing its dynamic soundscape and the meticulous process behind building its diverse elements.

Hi, Cynthia! Congrats on the release of ‘Turning Back’! How’s everything going? 

Hiiii, thanks so much! All good here!

Can you share with us your inspiration and concept behind this compelling Techno track and its title, ‘Turning Back’?

This track was created in a time period where I had personally so little confidence that my life would change in a short time period, that I couldn’t believe when it did. It changed my life completely and therefore there is no turning back. I could close a chapter of my life and start a new one. Therefore ‘Turning Back’ was created and is also a reminder to myself; if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything you want to – it doesn’t mean that it will be an easy ride, but it is possible.

Did you draw any musical influences from film, literature or the arts for this powerful production?

No, I didn’t draw from anything else, other than my life, when it came to the inspiration for this track. Of course, I look at what my favourite Artists are doing. And keep myself up to date with the latest trends. But at the end of the day, I make my own sound. And I am developing as an Artist with every production.

Did you work on this track in your studio, most of the time? Or did you also work on parts of the track during and in between any travels?

Funkily enough, I don’t like to produce on the road. I don’t have that moment where I can just sit in peace and work on a project. So, most of my tracks incl. this one are produced in the studio.

What is your creative process in layering the unique elements in this track with the beats, synths, and vocals?

There is not much creativity in mixing and mastering. It is mostly very complicated. The frequencies need to add up. Then there is the usage of different plugins to make sure that the sound is the sound that it needs to be. Most sounds sound dry, or very shallow. You need to adjust every sound that you put in your track. When everything is set, you will look into the dynamic of the track.

Compressing, and again and again. Looking at what the sounds do, and which direction the sound is going in. Certain sounds are more in the front or in the back etc. It’s a really complicated process to mix them to your style. But overall the sounds that I picked for this track were something that I had in my mind already. I knew what I wanted to make, so I just needed to develop it into music and work further on it from there. But also, when I am searching for a sound, I often get a different idea or inspiration at that moment. How to describe a creative mind, good question hahaha…

How does this track compare to ‘Abduction’ and your other releases from this year?

I think the beautiful thing about producing is that you can mould yourself into becoming whatever Artist you would like to be. I can’t compare these two tracks or the previous one to each other because they all have a special meaning to me. And with each track that has been created, you can hear my life story in it. During my process of producing, I am developing my own style. And I think I am continuing to search, for what it is that I would like to represent. And with each new production, like ‘Turning Back’, I think, for me, I reach a different level – and with my latest work, it is also again, on a different level.

What do you love most about this track?

In this track, my favourite part is the drop, where the synth and screeches add so much to the track. But also, the break has this dramatic vibe where the tension slowly builds up. The second drop is mostly my favourite because I wanted to add just a bit more power and energy to the track. The small things like the hardstyle kick just give that part of the track a completely different vibe – I just really love that.

How would you describe this track in 3 words to a first-time listener? 

Energetic, Powerful, Freedom.

Were there valuable lessons you learned from creating this track?

I learn with every production. Every track comes with a different technique or new learning process. Small things in the mixing and mastering, or needing a different plugin. But I think that’s what keeps it fun. Making something and expanding your knowledge at the same time. There is so much that comes to producing. Really crazy.

What is coming up on the horizon for Cynthia Laclé?

A lot of new music, new collabs. Of course, events are coming up. Stay tuned!

As we wrap up our interview with Cynthia Laclé, we thank her for her time and for allowing us insight into how she continues to create such intense-sounding productions. So, as she promises to keep impressing with more music and live shows, be sure to continue watching the talented Producer and DJ by following her across social media.


My name is Sebastian Medina and I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. Ever since I could remember, I have always been in love with dance music. I appreciate all genres and sub-genres but I definitely gravitate towards house and techno. Being from LA I was blessed with an amazing nightlife full of different artists coming in and out of town throughout the years. Some of my favorite artists include Seth Troxler, Michael Bibi, Mr.Carmack, PAWSA, and Folamour.

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