UK electronic jazz artist Kamaal Williams accused of sexual assault by three women

Kamaal Williams (real name Henry Wu) has been accused of sexual assault by three women, raising significant concerns within the music community.

The sexual assault allegations were detailed in a report published by Resident Advisor, where the women shared their experiences. They share a common theme of alleged sexual misconduct occurring in private settings where the artist reportedly used his position of influence and trust to engage in inappropriate behavior.

The women described experiences of being coerced and assaulted by Williams, highlighting a pattern of behavior that spans several years. According to the report, the earliest sexual assault allegation against Kamaal Williams dates back to November 2010, and the most recent one allegedly happened in 2021.

Facebook / Kamaal Williams

Williams, known for his innovative blend of jazz and electronic music, has yet to make a public statement regarding the allegations. However, his upcoming Leeds, Manchester, London, and Bristol performances have been canceled in light of the news. A representative for Williams has stated that the “very serious allegations are untrue and emphatically denied by him and that he will be able to demonstrate the same,” 

Despite these show cancelations, the true impact of these accusations on Williams’ career remains uncertain. He has been a highly influential artist, with numerous accolades and a strong following. However, the gravity of the allegations could lead to further repercussions. 

Facebook / Kamaal Williams

Support for the alleged victims has been growing, with many in the music industry expressing disappointment. One Reddit user wrote, “Unfortunately there’s far more stories about this guy. It’s been a shame seeing people applaud him for years but he is finally getting a modicum of comeuppance.”

As the situation unfolds, the music community and fans await further developments. The allegations against Kamaal Williams highlight the ongoing challenges in addressing sexual misconduct and ensuring a safe environment for all fans and professionals within the community.

Featured image courtesy Facebook / Kamaal Williams


I've been a part of the dance music scene for nearly a decade and with Exron for more than half of that time. My first event was Diplo's Mad Decent but these days you'll find me at Club Space or the Brooklyn Mirage. Some of my top artists are G Jones, Tipper, Of The Trees, and CharlestheFirst. My favorite genres are techno, experimental bass, and ambient but I'll get down to anything with a beat!

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