Eric Sharp Slams LA Promoters Who ‘Call the Cops’ on Underground Events

Eric Sharp supported the underground and called out greedy promotors in LA in an honest message to the dance music community.

Los Angeles producer and DJ Eric Sharp who has a unique sound that explores a mix of intelligent, sophisticated, somatic house music, slammed promotors in LA for calling the police on events to drive more people to theirs. He referred to the behavior as pathetic and insisted that these promotors were not in the underground scene for the right reasons.

Eric Sharp took to Instagram and shared a reel of his thoughts titled “A message to promoters ratting out warehouse parties.” The caption said: “Come on people, be better than this.”  He is known for playing smaller more intimate shows at these venues.

eric sharp underground promotors

He instantly pointed out that there are 9.5 million people in LA country alone and that if you can’t build an audience, and you can’t create a night that people want to come to, there is a problem. Adding that to the point where you feel like you need to have underground parties shut down in order to benefit your bottom line, then you are in the wrong business.

Eric Sharp also highlighted that promotors in smaller cities usually have respect for one another. And said there are even small communities where promotors have the opportunity to kind of work together and not step on each other’s dates and build a bigger scene together. But noted that this is not necessary in LA.

The message continued and explained that in LA, you’re never going to have the only party because there is always a ton of things going on. Along with that, there are more than enough people who live here and are interested in dance music to go around and support this stuff.

Eric Sharp truly believes that calling the cops on the underground is absolutely ridiculous behavior. In his last message of the video, he expressed that he feels so bad for promotors who have had their parties shut down because some pathetic people can’t build their own event and they need to shut down other people in order to get other people to come.

About The Author


I've been writing with Exron for two years, but have been an EDM-luver for nearly 10. The music and community resonates with my soul and exploring the depths of this industry is a passion!

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