Louis the Child, Twitter, and Hitler

There’s no place like twitter for tea, and there’s no tea like twitter tea, folks.

Earlier this week in a dizzying slew of tweets, Alison Wonderland and Louis the Child, also known as Robby Hauldren and Frederic Kennett, went back and forth about Hitler, rapists, and Hitler once again. In true cancel-culture style, twitter called out Louis the Child for fake wokeness and shortly after the tweets were deleted. But never fear, the internet remembers all.

This storm began a-brewin’ with the commentary of Alison Wonderland and her longtime photographer DonsLens. DonsLens went first in what would inevitably become one big ‘ole stirin’ of the pot with, “It’s ok to not like people. But no reason to hate anyone.” Alison raised the stakes, lighting a flame beneath the communal cauldron of stirrage, with, “Unless racists or rapists.”

You would think that the feed would end there, that any social media sleuth would be able to smell the fermenting of something foul. But alas, Louis the Child just might have caught corona, having lost their minds and their senses of smell. The music duo chimed in stating, “I think you can still love people you hate.” Alison Wonderland, now fervently fanning the cauldron flames, responded with, “I hate hitler.”

Once again, the opportunity to abort was ripe. Upon “Hitler,” Louis the Child should have phoned home with a defeated, “Houston… there’s been a problem,” and boogied on out of there. But nope! The pair tweeted back, “Hating hitler does nothing for you. Hold onto hatred if you want. Keeping people safe right now is different than hating a dead person.” There was more, but let’s say less. A moment of silence for Louis the Child.


First, this is twitter for God’s sake. People salivate at the idea of exercising their thumbs, so think twice before hitting send. Second, Hitler, in any conversation, is a TKO. He is the most hated person, dead or alive, to have walked the Earth and for darn good reason. Hitler’s entrance into any twitter chatroom should mark the exiting of all parties from said chatroom. Third, Louis the Child what in the world did you just say? That, quite literally, did not make any sense. If we look beyond the gobbledygook, in theory we get it. But also, no?

There’s no need to stand up for rapists. There’s no reason to drawl parallels to Hitler during COVID-19. No one cares if your hatred outweighs your love. This reeks of shallowness on account of all parties. At the end of the day though, if you’re on twitter then this is the name of the game! Tweet something silly and off-color? Be prepared for shenanigans, uproar, and cancel culture before everyone forgets and does it all over again.




Heralding from sunny South Florida, I am a proud Florida Woman. In my free time, I surf the swamp, wrangle gators, open fan mail, and tend to my pets. In the wild, I'm most often spotted at immersive art spaces, step tappin' in a shadowed corner of the club, hater blockerz on, totally incognito as your resident EDM spice girl. Although I generally tout my spicy side, if there's one thing I'd love to impress upon the world, it would be this: it's not a waste to give love to those who do not deserve it – it's a gift. The world would be a better place if we gave, in kindness and in mercy, to those who need it most with no expectation in return.

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